BHF Data Science Centre Webinar: February 2024
Join us for our monthly webinar entitled 'Understanding the impact of Covid-19 among people with intellectual disabilities in England.'
Our next monthly webinar entitled ‘Understanding the impact of Covid-19 among people with intellectual disabilities in England?’ takes place on Wednesday 21st February, 12:00-12:45pm, online.
We are pleased to announce we will be joined by Research Associate, Filip Sosenko from the University of Glasgow, who contributed to the design of this study, conducted data management and analyses, and led on writing the manuscript.
Filip is a Research Associate at the Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory. He is a sociologist and methodologist with interest in health inequalities and social determinants of health.
Filip will discuss the findings from the first study in England to investigate Covid-19 mortality rates, hospitalisation rates, and risk factors in people with Intellectual Disabilities in England.
The study’s main contribution lies in highlighting very high levels of multi-morbidity among people with Intellectual Disabilities, as the primary factor responsible for their higher risk of Covid-19 hospitalisation or death.
Join us to find out about the findings and implications of this study and for our Q&A session.
The webinar will be chaired by BHF Data Science Centre’s Research Project Manager, Sarah Lessels.
These webinars are primarily for researchers but may be of interest to many attendees. People from all backgrounds are equally welcome and we try to use non-technical language wherever possible.