Kush Kanodia MBA has been a regular user of the NHS since childhood and is only able to walk today due to the NHS and innovations in technology and healthcare.
Kush is a social entrepreneur who has developed a portfolio career helping a number of charities, social enterprises and non-profit organisations, with a particular focus upon disability, technology and healthcare. He was a torch bearer at the London 2012 Paralympic Games and was selected in Parliament among the top 10 most influential BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) leaders in technology in 2018. Kush is a Trustee for AbilityNet, a charity which focuses on making technology accessible for disabled and older people, and their corporate trustees include Microsoft and IBM. Moreover, he is an advisor to the world’s first Global Disability Innovation Hub, which is part of the London 2012 Paralympic Games legacy.
Kush is also a Patient Governor of Chelsea Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. He was previously a delivery improvement and transformational change consultant for the NHS and completed the first Intersect Systems Leadership Programme by the NHS Leadership Academy. In addition, Kush is an ambassador for Disability Rights UK and a director at the Centre for Accessible Football in Europe.