Reproducible Analytical Pipelines Webinar
Join HDR UK for a free webinar on reproducible analytical pipelines.
The UK has a world leading health data infrastructure. In 2022, the UK government and the National Health service published information about new ways of working with this data to advance health services and knowledge of disease.
These reports, including the Goldacre report, point to the need for large datasets containing people’s health information to be held in Trusted Research Environments (TREs) and for data to be analysed using Reproducible Analytical Pipelines (RAPs) with software, analysis plans and outputs which are standardised so that they are interoperable and reproducible.
Webinar Aims:
Reproducible research means getting the same results consistently, every time you run an analysis of the same data.
This sounds simple, but in fact it is not and many researchers struggle to manage it. In this webinar we will discuss the practical steps you can take, using simple and impactful practices, in order to make your research reproducible.
- What is reproducible research and why do we want it?
- Getting your files and folders in order
- Naming
- Publish your research outputs
- Further steps you can take:
- Document with care
- Version control
- Stabilize your computing environment
- and more!
Interested in learning more about reproducibility? Find training on this as well as a range of other topics all for free on HDR UK Futures.