Get to grips with essential health data science programming skills and Agile principles
Learn the Agile and programming skills needed to conceptualise, create, test, and release a new health data science project. Discover and use the latest Health Information Engineering (HIE) tools in this expert-led online workshop series.
Pre-course webinar before the three Zoom workshop sessions.
“One of the most enjoyable courses I have done.”
Workshop series
- Intro webinar (3 April)
- Zoom workshops (27, 28 April and 5 May)
What you will learn
- Programming with Python, HTML, JS and CSS
- Data management
- Relational databases
- SQL queries
- Using Git for version control, including best practices
- Software testing
- Agile principles and the Scrum framework
How you will learn
- Webinar covering the fundamental principles
- Work in an Agile team over Zoom to build a full-stack data dashboard including unit testing
Who runs the workshop series?
- Dr Iliada Eleftheriou, a lecturer in Healthcare Sciences (University of Manchester)
- Dr Alan Davies, a senior lecturer in Health Data Sciences (University of Manchester)
Both Dr Eleftheriou and Dr Davies possess a wealth of knowledge and experience and are passionate about what HIE can achieve in improving health and care.
A limited number of free spaces are available for members of the HDR UK Alliance and Alumni Group. Please email if you are a member of one of these groups and wish to attend.