Xianghua Xie is an Associate Professor at Swansea University, leading a research team on Computer Vision and Medical Image Analysis, in the Visual Computing Group at the Department of Computer Science. He held an RCUK Academic Fellowship between September 2007 and March 2012, and he was a Senior Lecturer between October 2012 and March 2013. Prior to his position at Swansea, he was a Research Associate in the Computer Vision Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, working on a European Commission project, CASBliP.
Xianghua received his M.Sc. degree (with commendation) in Advanced Computing in 2002 from the University of Bristol, UK. Then, he continued to pursue a Ph.D. degree in the same department from the end of 2002, under the supervision of Professor Majid Mirmehdi. Professor Barry Thomas was also involved in cosupervision at the earlier stage. He finished his Ph.D. study in March 2006.
Xianghua has strong research interests in medical imaging and image analysis, biomedical applications, video analysis, stereo systems, active contour models, level set methods, texture analysis, and pattern recognition and machine learning.