Professor Umesh Kadam
Professor of Primary Care & Public Health Research at University of Leicester
As a clinician and a researcher, Professor Umesh Kadam is interested in people who experience several different diseases at the same time and the development over the life course.
Umesh’s research aims are to understand patient and carer perspectives and develop ways of how they can manage them better together; to help healthcare professionals deal with conflicts created when managing patients with several conditions in order in make better decisions and tailor treatments; to understand how local and national health policy influences the care pathways of individual diseases and when patients and carers are engaged in several at the same time, and when there is a balance between getting the best out of a healthcare system with the cost constraints that we face.
The multi-disciplinary programme covers clinical and pharmaco-epidemiology of cardiovascular and cardio-metabolic disease (particularly heart failure and diabetes) and chronic diseases of ageing (particularly osteoarthritis). A strong focus is on a service-academic partnership model including CCGs and public health, with national and international collaborations.
The programme has been funded by the Royal Society, MRC, NIHR and NIHR School for Primary Care Research. National memberships include the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) ISAC committee, NIHR HS&DR and Fellowship panels.
Umesh’s programme supports the development of clinical and non-clinical academic careers, especially through competitive Fellowship funding and I focus on training relating to diabetes, heart failure, public health and epidemiologic methods.