Professor Brendan Delaney
Chair in Medical Informatics and Decision Making at Imperial College London
Professor Brendan Delaney is an internationally leading exponent of the “Learning Health System’ (LHS) concept. Although his initial training in research was in heath technology assessment, real-world (pragmatic) clinical trials and clinical research in Family Medicine, since 2003 Brendan has worked in the area of Clinical Informatics, being appointed to a Chair in Medical Informatics at Imperial in 2015 and elected one of the first 100 founding fellows of the new UK Faculty of Clinical Informatics in 2017. He has had wide exposure to European and US clinical informatics through workshops and symposia.
Brendan was the UK lead investigator on an NIH Clinical Research Roadmap project (The Electronic Primary Care Research Network. HHS268N200425212C) 2006-10. From 2010-15, he led ‘TRANSFoRm: Patient Safety and Translational Research in Europe’, a €9million EU FP7 programme.
TRANSFoRm set about using ontologies, data standards and models to create a common infrastructure for the LHS with three specific use cases (eSource for clinical trials, phenomics and clinical diagnosis.
Since moving to Imperial, Brendan works in the Institute of Global Health Innovation, with research in Artificial Intelligence, cancer diagnosis and learning systems, eSource for clinical trials and global eHealth. He sits on the Cancer Research UK Population research funding panel and the Medical Research Council Methodology Research panel.