Karen Mooney is a member of our Steering Group and one of our Lay Leads whose public voice will help shape our programme.
Her experience with Crohn’s disease fuels her interest in chronic inflammatory conditions and their impact on overall health and wellbeing. She wants to see how the programme can help improve patient care and outcomes.
Passionate and inquisitive, Karen challenges our team to think about the broader implications of our research, how we talk about our findings and how we engage with patients and the public to develop a collaborative approach to future research.
A qualified Human Resources professional, Karen retired from Local Government due to ill health. She has since delivered health awareness training in areas of deprivation and has served as a Lay Chair of the Patients Group of the RCGPNI. Previous Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) participation includes projects such as CO-CONNECT, GRAIMATTER & COALESCE, and co-chairing a workshop at the first Advance Pain Discovery Platform (APDP) conference.
Aside from her interest in health, a growing involvement in the Arts led Karen to host community radio and television programmes and publish her poetry with The Hedgehog Poetry Press.
“I see PPIE as the touchstone within health data research to ensure and secure the integrity of purpose, process and public engagement.”