Dr Joram Posma is a Lecturer in Cancer Informatics at Imperial College London and Fellow at Health Data Research (HDR) UK. His work focusses on the development of new algorithms and methods to maximize information recovery from “omics” data; including multivariate regression and classification algorithms, software for the interactive and immersive visualization of metabolic reaction network data, statistical spectroscopy methods for metabolite identification, bioinformatic and statistical workflows for the analysis of metabolic phenotyping data, and integration of metabolic profiling data with microbiome and genome-level data. His scientific interests relate to cardiometabolic diseases and cancer, and their interface with human nutrition.
His work has been published in journals including Science Translational Medicine, The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, Nature Food, Nature Communications, Hypertension and Bioinformatics.
He obtained his Master of Science in Chemistry cum laude from Radboud University Nijmegen in 2011 and his PhD in Bioinformatics and Clinical Medicine Research from Imperial College London in 2014. From 2014-2018 he was a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Surgery and Cancer, got awarded an HDR UK Rutherford fund Fellowship in 2018 working in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and became lecturer later that year. In 2019 he moved to the Bioinformatics section in the newly formed Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction at Imperial. He is a Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.