3-5 day immersion events allow students to gain insight into the work of HDR UK, and our academic, clinical and industry partners. Courses may be residential (expenses provided) with up to a week away from their home university or online. Students undertake an intensive deep dive into an important area of health data science. Immersion topics include risk prediction, oncology, clinical trials, epidemiology and bioinformatics. Past immersion weeks have been hosted by the Universities of Birmingham, Manchester, Oxford and University College London and the European Bioinformatics Institute.
The immersion events encourage students to work together and stimulate new interactions:
Research areas
PhD research projects can be linked to The Institute’s:
Team working
Students operate as a national cohort and work collaboratively with others, overcoming traditional institutional silos. Students are registered with a partner university but can draw on academic expertise from across the HDR UK network and are supported to formulate research activities that bring together experts from across the UK.
- You can contact us at phd@hdruk.ac.uk or phone (+44 (0)770 847 8846).
- For details of how we process applicants’ data see PhD Applicant Privacy Notice.