Zara Passe
Zara Passe is one of HDR UK's Biomedical Vacation Scholars and has been working on a wearable sensor data project for people with Parkinson's disease. She says the scheme has been an invaluable opportunity.
Our BVS programme enables undergraduates to carry out their first health data research projects. We spoke to Zara about her BVS experience.
Tell us a bit about yourself:
I am a mathematics student at UCL, fascinated by the applications of mathematical techniques, particularly within the realm of healthcare. I am deeply interested in the intersection of mathematics, computational methods, and biological systems, and how these disciplines can interact to solve complex problems.
How did you hear about the BVS?
Through my research into different career paths, I came across HDR UK and became eager to get involved in their initiatives. This led me to discover the Biomedical Vacation Scholarship programme, which stood out as an incredible opportunity to gain hands-on research experience in a field I am passionate about.
What has your project involved?
My project focuses on developing a data processing pipeline to transform 3D optical motion capture data into wearable sensor data for individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PwP). Initially, we convert the optical data into accurate, realistic SMPL models, which are similar to human avatars. These models are then used to simulate walking trials and calculate accelerometer and gyroscope outputs. This process enables us to reconstruct human motion in a format applicable to real-world scenarios. The project has significantly advanced our understanding of disease progression and fall risk assessment in PwP through enhanced data analysis techniques.
Why do you think the scholarships are valuable?
This programme has been invaluable, offering a mix of academic and practical experiences that have deepened my understanding of the research process. It bridges the gap between the theoretical knowledge gained at university and real-world application, enabling me to conduct meaningful research with the support and guidance from my supervisor, which has significantly enhanced my personal and professional growth.
What do you hope to do in the future and do you think the BVS will help?
The BVS programme has equipped me with essential skills that have deepened my interest in a career in healthcare research. The hands-on research experience and the chance to collaborate with professionals have been crucial in shaping my career goals and boosting my confidence in applying mathematical and analytical methods to healthcare challenges. This experience has given me a significant advantage in advancing in the field and making meaningful contributions.
This scholarship was sourced through the EPSRC Northern Health Futures (NortHFutures) Hub. NortHFutures aims to enhance health and wellbeing across the North East and North Cumbria (NENC) region of the UK.
The hub facilitates responsible research and innovation in healthcare technologies supported by inclusive digital skills sharing, training, and making connections.
It takes a people-centred approach and is committed to humanising health-tech by championing equity, participation, and investment across the region.
NortHFutures is proud to partner with HDR UK and host the BVS interns across our consortium, and showcase the incredible strength we have in health and life sciences, and data science, in the NENC region.