Yinghui Wei is Associate Professor of Statistics at the University of Plymouth, where she leads the Heath Data Science Research Group and the MSc Health Data Science and Statistics Programme. Prior to joining Plymouth, Yinghui was Investigator Scientist (Statistician) in MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, Career Development Fellow in MRC Biostatistics Unit at Cambridge, and Research Fellow at University of Nottingham. Yinghui completed her PhD and MSc in Statistics, both from The University of Manchester.
Yinghui has a long-standing research interest in using data to improve population health and health services. She has experience in health data research in various disease areas, including COVID-19, Zika virus, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disorders, kidney diseases, cancer, tuberculosis, and hospital-acquired infections, such as vancomycin-resistant Enterococci. In 2021, Yinghui was awarded an MRC fellowship to work within the COVID-19 Longitudinal Health and Wellbeing National Core Study to investigate the long-term effects of COVID-19 on population health.
Yinghui has experience in conducting research using NHS data, national registry databases, and big data from national linked electronic health records and longitudinal cohort studies within Trusted Research Environments/Secure Data Environments. Yinghui’s methodological expertise includes the development and validation of clinical prediction models, epidemiological studies and modelling, statistical methods for evidence synthesis, and modelling complex data in health. She co-developed a statistical package, ipdfc in Stata, to reconstruct individual participant time-to-event data from published Kaplan-Meier curves, which has been used by researchers worldwide.
She is the HDR UK Training Lead for the south west.