Professor Marion Bennie
Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmacoepidemiology at University of Strathclyde
Professor Marion Bennie’s research focuses on the study of medicines in routine clinical care (pharmacoepidemiology) and the generation of new evidence to inform medicines policy, strategy and service delivery. This involves exploring medicines use at scale through exploiting the routinely captured national / regional medicines prescribing and dispensing data, record linked to other available clinical / social care datasets to identify the intended and unintended consequences of medicines in the real world. The clinical focus is principally on infection, cardiovascular and cancer medicines. Risk modelling applied to develop novel clinical decision support tools designed to tailor medicines choice informed Marion’s increasing phenotype and genotype data. Additionally, application of innovative digital solutions to support novel data capture including PROMs (patient recorded outcome measures) is a research focus. Internationally, involvement in cross national pharmacoepidemiology programme / studies at a population and individual level includes work for the European Medicines Agency (post marketing pharmacovigilance studies) and medicine stewardship programmes in Africa and South America.