Professor Dimitrios Nikolopoulos
Director of the ECIT Institute at Queens University Belfast
Dimitrios was previously Head of the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at QUB and held the Chair in High Performance and Distributed Computing and the post of Director of Research of the HPDC Cluster. His research explores scalable computing systems for data-driven applications and new computing paradigms at the limits of performance, power and reliability.
Dimitrios’s accolades include the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award, the NSF CAREER Award, the DOE CAREER Award, the IBM Faculty Award, the SFI-DEL Investigator Award and Best Paper Awards from the best IEEE and ACM HPC conferences, including SC, PPoPP, and IPDPS. His research has produced over 160 top-tier outputs and has received extensive (£10.6m as PI/£39.5m as CoI) and highly competitive research funding from the NSF, DOE, EPSRC, SFI, DEL, Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society, European Commission and private sector. He regularly teaches modules in computer organisation, parallel computing, and systems programming.
Dimitrios is a Fellow of the British Computer Society, Senior Member of the IEEE and Senior Member of the ACM. He earned a PhD (2000) in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the University of Patras.