A former mental health nurse and adult education tutor, Mandy has been helping her son to manage his cystic fibrosis for the past 21 years. She first became involved in Patient and Public Involvement work as a lay member on a Clinical Reference Group for cystic fibrosis. Over the past 7 years, Mandy has become an active campaigner for the co-production of health and social care services, person-centred care, shared decision making, and self-management of long-term conditions.
She has co-produced many projects (e.g., The Academy of Medical Sciences Winter Report 2020) and has had a strategic role with various organisations (e.g., The Coproduction Collective – University College London; NHS England’s Five Year Forward View People and Community Board).
Her more recent passion relates to public involvement in research and the use of data. As a public contributor for the National Institute of Health Research, she is committed to ensuring that the perspectives of the public, patients and carers are equally considered. In her role on the Public Advisory Board, Mandy is hoping to collaborate in the expansion of the debate around health and social care data.