Krishnarajah Nirantharakumar
Rutherford Fellow at University of Birmingham

Dr Krishnarajah Nirantharakumar is a senior clinical academic with substantial experience in health informatics research. He is the theme lead for health informatics at the Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham. He has particular interests in developing novel digital tools that enable effective/efficient healthcare systems and expedite health care research. He co-innovated the Automated Clinical Epidemiology Studies tool. The innovation has led to a number of high impact publications and to a UKRI Innovation Clinical Fellowship with HDR UK. His long term mission is to lead a global health informatics team to improve the health and wellbeing of the disadvantaged communities in low and middle income countries.
Krish completed his medical degree in 2002 and trained in hospital medicine in a number of hospitals in UK. He was elected through exams as a Member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) in 2007. Later he specialised in Public Health Medicine (2007 – 2012) completing a Masters in Public Health (MPH), Membership exams of the Faculty of Public Health (MFPH) and the certificate for completion of specialist training (CCT) in Public Health Medicine. He obtained his doctoral research degree (MD) studying the potential role of health informatics tools in improving the care of hospitalised patients with diabetes.
In March 2012 he was awarded a 3 year clinical research fellowship by the West Midlands Deanery. However in April 2013 to gain experience in working in a cross disciplinary environment with computer scientists, mathematicians and engineers he joined the Institute of Digital Healthcare (IDH) at University of Warwick as a senior research fellow. Later in March 2014 he returned to University of Birmingham to take on a Senior Clinical Lecturer post. In February 2018 in recognition of his contribution to Real World Evidence (RWE) research and co-innovation of the DExtER tool for Automated Clinical Epidemiology Studies (ACES) he was awarded a prestigious MRC fellowship (UKRI Innovation Clinical Fellow).
Krish has vast experience in teaching and has lead the MPH (Programme Lead) and post graduate taught courses (Director for PGT) at the Institute of Applied Health Research. He was awarded the competitive and prestigious vice chancellor’s outstanding teaching award in 2016.
Krish has honorary consultant in Public Health Medicine appointments with Public health England and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. He is the founder of the West Midlands Health Informatics Network ( and the Co-Innovator of the DExtER tool with his colleague Krishna Gokhale.