Dr. Khaled F. Bedair, with a Ph.D. in statistics, is actively engaged in research focused on statistical methodologies for multivariate modelling and the analysis of recurrent and survival events, competing risks, and count and longitudinal data. His research is particularly applied in real-world genetic and medical datasets, emphasising dynamic measurements of drug exposures, multi-type clinical outcomes, and extended follow-up times. Dr. Bedair is driven by a passion for investigating the impacts of pharmacogenetics and drug-drug interactions on diverse clinical outcomes within large-scale biobanks. His research aims to contribute real-world evidence to illuminate the potential harms and benefits associated with various medications.

Project Information

Research Driver Programme: Medicines in Acute and Chronic Care

Title:Developing and validating a multivariable model to predict severe bleeding in patients using direct oral anticoagulants using Scottish data


His research spans diverse datasets from the UK Biobank and Scottish databases, where he explores the pharmacogenetics of specific drug-gene variants, such as clopidogrel *CYPC219 and digoxin *ABCB1. Additionally, he is actively involved in the development and validation of a multivariable model aimed at predicting severe bleeding in patients using direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs).

What is your motivation for undertaking this project and how will this funding impact your research?

Dr. Bedair’s future research plan centres on developing advanced statistical models tailored for large-scale pharmacogenetics investigations within population-based biobanks. He aims to shed light on the intricate interplay between genetic factors and drug exposures, advancing personalised healthcare and drug development. His multidimensional approach includes addressing challenges in population-based studies, considering prolonged follow-up durations, various types of recurrent events, and longitudinal measurements of drug exposures and relevant covariates. Dr. Bedair envisions the impact of his research across pharmacogenomics, clinical practice, and public health, offering specialised models and software tools to empower practitioners and researchers in personalised medicine and optimised drug response.