Gavin is a member of the public who recently retired from a career in science administration, and is hoping to bring his insight into some of the cultural and technical problems to sharing data for better health and to develop strategies that engage the public in a meaningful way.
Gavin gained his PhD in biochemistry in 1985, and after 4 years at the research bench spent the next 32 years in science administration (Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust) focussing latterly on mental health, prevention and population/public health. He also worked on how to maximise the use of longitudinal population data and co-ordinated scoping work for the largest ever national data-gathering study of adolescent health, which included engagement with young people and parents.
Gavin is particularly interested in involving the full diversity of the UK population particularly those who have been underserved. He is aware that increasingly multidisciplinary research on the social and environmental determinants of health could raise new challenges and believes that research is improved through involvement and co-production with patients and the public.
Gavin is keen to continue the Public Advisory Board’s work of advocating for meaningful involvement so that it becomes fully entrenched in the world-leadingĀ work of HDR UK who can then count on the enduring trust and continued participation of the public.