Dr Shukrat O. Salisu-Olatunji is a public health physician by training and a Fellow of the West African College of Physicians, now building her career in research and academia. The transition from clinical medicine to core research when she moved to the UK brought its challenges and the HDR UK Black Internship Programme was very timely in guiding her to the health data science path.
She holds master’s degrees in Public Health (University of Lagos, Nigeria) and Clinical Research (University of Sheffield, UK) and is currently taking a Postgraduate Diploma course in International Healthcare Management at the University of Essex Online.
She presently serves as a member of research related groups that provide an opportunity to explore her interests in Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) in research and participation of ethnic minorities in research.
Shukrat was one of the first cohort to take part in the HDR UK Black Internship Programme.
She plans to begin her doctoral studies in health data research in 2022.