Dr Michael Fleming is a Research Fellow in the department of Public Health within the Institute of Health and Wellbeing. He has a BSc (honours) in Applied Mathematics and Astronomy, an MSc in Applied Statistics, and a PhD in Public Health. His PhD linked a number of Scotland-wide health and education datasets together to investigate educational and health outcomes of Scottish schoolchildren treated for chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and depression. He previously worked as a statistician within the NHS working on a wide range of data linkage research projects covering topic areas such as obstetrics, congenital anomalies, breastfeeding, child health, prescribing, cancer, education, HPV immunisation, drug misuse and prisoner mortality and culminating in several publications in peer reviewed journals. Long standing interests include using novel record linkage techniques and statistical methods to analyse complex linked data for research purposes across the spectrum of public health. Michael’s current research focuses on educational and health outcomes related to childhood chronic conditions, early life factors, neonatal and childhood morbidity and maternal/obstetric factors.