Andy Clegg is Professor of Geriatric Medicine, University of Leeds and Honorary Consultant Geriatrician, Bradford Royal Infirmary, with expertise in frailty, prognostic modelling and evaluation of interventions using routine data. He led the development, validation and national implementation of the multi award-winning and NICE-recommended electronic frailty index (eFI) using data from around 1M UK patients contained in the ResearchOne and THIN primary care research databases, with major impact on NHS policy, including the NHS Long Term Plan.
He is lead for the NIHR ARC Yorkshire & Humber Improving Care for Older People with Frailty theme, Chief Investigator (CI) for an NIHR Programme Grant to optimise and evaluate personalised care planning for older people with frailty and CI for the NIHR HTA-funded Home- based Extended Rehabilitation for Older People (HERO) trial. Clegg is also CI for the Community Ageing Research 75+ (CARE 75+) multi-site cohort study to investigate frailty, disability and quality of life trajectories in older age, and evaluate interventions to improve outcomes using a novel ‘trial within cohort’ (TWiCs) design. Clegg was a member of the 2016 NICE multimorbidity guideline development group, the 2010 NICE delirium guideline development group and the NHS Evidence advisory panel.