Response to the Goldacre Review - “Trusted Research Environments and Data Management”
26 April 2021
Following a request from the Goldacre Review, HDR UK have today submitted the following response on the topic of Trusted Research Environments.

We have provided input to the Goldacre Review request for information on past, present and planned work around Trusted Research Environments (TREs) and data management, specifically on:
- TREs (this may include commodity technology such as a server in a rack, or some cloud capacity, and the permissions structure around it; or a more complex and bespoke environment with specific analytic code and services operating within it).
- Methodological work, code or tools for data management (whether EHR data, bespoke collections of health data, or other related data).
- Methodological work, code or tools for federated analysis.
The Goldacre Review provides a timely stock-take of progress to date and consideration of the best options for future activity related to TREs and data management across England. It is important to ensure alignment between this perspective and the development of a UK-wide (and beyond) federated network of TREs. This will be further addressed in the upcoming papers from the health data science community which are currently in development or under consultation, including the data standards green paper and Trusted Research Environment white paper, which will be published in May 2021.
Public and patient involvement and engagement, open science and open code are at the heart of our developments, and with over 150 resources available on Github, we are committed to accelerating reproducible science through open standards, data and source code.
Read our response to follow-up questions
Read our response to MedConfidential on our investment into TREs