Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) have published a joint policy report offering a set of principles for the design of a future health data research service in England.

A national health data service was one of the main recommendations of the Sudlow Review published in November. That independent review, supported by an HDR UK team, set out a vision for overcoming the barriers and inefficiencies that currently delay the safe and secure use of health data to improve lives.

The new ABPI-HDR UK policy report:

  • distils the minimum national datasets which should form the foundation of a health data research service
  • defines the essential criteria for a viable, competitive and sustainable service, and
  • appraises different health data research service model options, outlining pros and cons of each.

These new insights, based on expert experience and feedback, are intended to support the government in their decision-making process and include four recommendations for next steps.

David Seymour, Director of Data Partnerships at Health Data Research UK, says:

“The government is open to the idea of establishing a health data research service, one of the main recommendations of the Sudlow Review.


“Achieving this vision will require a partnership across government, regulators,                           academia, industry, and of course, the NHS. This must be underpinned by a dialogue with healthcare professionals, patients and members of the public.”

Read the full options appraisal for a Health Data Research Service