Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) is working to unite the UK’s health data to enable discoveries that improve people’s lives.
The UK is in a unique position to realise the potential of health data, thanks to the NHS and its cradle-to-grave records for a population of over 65 million people. Safe and secure use of this data could improve treatments, deliver better health care and save lives. However, access to this data for researchers is often a lengthy, fragmented process, meaning the potential for improving healthcare is far from being realised in full.
HDR UK is an independent, registered charity committed to accelerating trustworthy access to health data by working in partnership with the NHS, industry and universities. We have five years of core funding from nine of the UK’s leading medical research funders, including UK Research and Innovation, the Department of Health and Social Care in England and equivalents in Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland, as well as leading medical research charities. Patients and the public are involved throughout, shaping the Institute’s work and ensuring that access to data for research generates public benefit.
We are looking to recruit new Trustees to provide leadership to the organisation and shape the Board for the future as several of our existing Trustees reach the end of their term. This is an exciting opportunity to determine our future vision, direction, and in turn, impact the wider UK healthcare landscape and deliver public benefit.
Successful candidates will ideally have worked with high-performing boards and bring non-executive experience from one or more complex organisations undergoing organisational and cultural change. We are particularly interested in hearing from candidates with the following skills and experience:
- Primary Care
- Population Health & Social Science
- Pharmaceutical sector
- Health Data Science
- Technology (particularly IT infrastructure)
You will have excellent communication skills, and the ability to build working relationships with a range of stakeholders across academia, commercial, public and third sectors. This is a high-profile leadership role that demonstrates a clear commitment to HDR UK’s values, and an agility and passion for our work to harness data and improve people’s lives. The institute actively seeks and benefits from diversity. The Board is always looking to secure and build the widest representation in its membership.
To apply, please send a CV and covering letter to Applications should be received by noon on 7 April 2024.