About the Project

Asthma has a significant impact on the health of many people in Wales and inequitable variations in outcomes have been identified between population groups, with the most deprived having higher rates of prevalence, morbidity, emergency healthcare utilisation, and mortality.

Applications are invited by 28 June for a fully-funded PhD investigating the association of asthma outcomes in Wales with determinants such as income, education, environmental exposure, access to healthcare access and healthcare quality.

The research will use data on healthcare utilisation, census, and the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) in the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) and will cover all age groups, with a focus on children.

Student benefits

  • The successful candidate will receive training in epidemiology and population data science and engage with stakeholders for feedback and policy translation.
  • The scholarship covers the full cost of UK tuition fees and an annual stipend of £17,669.
  • Additional research expenses will also be available.
  • The successful candidate will join a vibrant cohort of HDR UK-funded PhD students in a highly interdisciplinary environment, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and networking across the UK.
  • Full or Part-time study is possible.


  • Candidates must normally hold a first degree (at least a 2.1) in a relevant subject is required (or its equivalent if outside the UK).
  • Candidates with qualifications in mathematics / computer science and a health-related discipline are particularly encouraged to apply, but it would be possible for those with mathematics, physics or other computational training to learn the healthcare context.

Experience in one or more of the following would be desirable:

  • Programming in MATLAB/Python/R, etc.
  • Previous research experience with healthcare datasets or electronic health records.


This PhD is funded by HDR UK’s Inflammation and Immunity Driver Programme, aiming to advance the UK’s understanding of mechanisms and health outcomes, using respiratory and allergic disorders as exemplar domains.

This Driver Programme will explore inflammation and immunity as general underpinning mechanisms, starting with highly prevalent respiratory and allergic diseases, which can be exacerbated by acute inflammatory episodes due to infections, pollution, tobacco, pollen, weather, drugs, foods and stinging insects.

The long-term plan is to extend the data science capabilities and capacity created, to other inflammatory-mediated diseases.


Make your application

Find out more about this great opportunity and make your application