This 6 hour, online workshop is based around the “Data types in healthcare” series of bite-size videos which is coming soon to the Futures platform. Please note that this workshop is in its early planning stages and content may be subject to change.

During this workshop, we will walk through some of the opportunities and issues facing researchers and analysts when dealing with the range of data types available.  There will be an opportunity for group discussions and individual questions about the use of data types.  A case study will be used to show how data types can be used together.  Attendees will then be challenged to create a plan to use multiple data types to meet the needs of a fictitious health data research project.

Tentative Agenda:

  • Introduction to the workshop
  • Review of data types in healthcare
  • Case study: Research data requirements
  • Exercise: Identify and map data sources
  • Assessing data quality
  • Exercise: Completing data requirements
  • Open discussion and Q&A
  • Summary and conclusion

Date and Time:
20th May 2025, 9:30 – 16:30

Who should attend?

  • Anyone who works with health data
  • Clinicians, healthcare administrators and data managers, to understand how operational data is used for research
  • Analysts and researchers, to learn more about combining diverse data types into useful source material

Prerequisite knowledge:
A good understanding of data types in healthcare that can be achieved by viewing the bite-size videos in the series.

A paper describing the outputs of the workshop

To register your interest for this workshop, please email Learn@hdruk.ac.uk, or click below:

Register Interest