Data Access & Discovery - A Forest Through the TREs
*Please note: we have changed the date from Thursday 14 April to Thursday 21 April to avoid a clash with the Easter break*
This month’s webinar will be hosted in partnership with NHS Transformation Directorate (NHS TD) to demonstrate recent developments around the use of Trusted Research Environments as one of the key components for the trustworthy access to health data for research.
The panel will be chaired by Tim Hubbard, Professor of Bioinformatics at King’s College London, Head of Genome Analysis at Genomics England; and co-author of the keynote paper for the sector: Principles and Best Practices, Towards TRE Ecosystems.
Nicola Brassington, Deputy Director of Data & Analytics at NHS TD will lead the event with an introduction to their forthcoming policy on the use of Trusted Research Environments (also known as Secure Data Environments) within the NHS.
Ben Goldacre, Bennett Professor of Evidence Based Medicine at the University of Oxford and Director of the Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science, will be speaking about OpenSafely, benefits of TREs and public engagement. His much broader recent review into better and safer use of health data for research and analysis for the benefit of patients and healthcare sector can be accessed here.
Debbie Keatley, Public Advisory Board member at HDR UK and use MY data member, will be bringing her own perspective as a member of the public to the discussions, highlighting the need for meaningful patient and public involvement in TREs and updating on the work of the Public Advisory Board in this area.
Bradley Quinn is the Associate Director of Insight at Health Innovation Manchester and has led on the deployment of a Trusted Research Environment for Greater Manchester, including utilising data from GM’s shared care record to accelerate research throughout the pandemic and as part of the NHSE TD sub-national TRE programme. He brings his perspective of rapidly deploying an ICS TRE through cross-system collaboration
The panel also includes Susheel Varma, Chief Technology Officer (interim), HDR UK and co-author of the keynote paper for the sector: Principles and Best Practices, Towards TRE Ecosystems.
11.00 – Introduction
Tim Hubbard
11.05 – Presentation
Nicola Brassington
11.30 – Panel and Q&A
Ben Goldacre
Debbie Keatley
Bradley Quinn
Susheel Varma
12.00 – Close
All attendees are encouraged to pose their questions to our panel via the Q&A function on Zoom rather than the chat, so that the chair can easily see the questions.