Our next monthly webinar entitled ‘Smartphone and Wearable Data for Cardiovascular Research’ takes place on Wednesday 15th November, 12:00-12:45pmonline.

Join us for this month’s webinar; ‘Smartphone and Wearable Data for Cardiovascular Research’

This month’s presenter is Professor Tim Chico, Associate Director of the BHF Data Science Centre and lead for Smartphones and Wearable data.

Tim is Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Sheffield and honorary Consultant Cardiologist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. He is also Research Director for Healthcare Data / AI in the Institute of In Silico Medicine (INSIGNEO) and leads the EPSRC South Yorkshire Digital Health Hub.

The aim of the BHF Data Science Centre’s Smartphones and Wearables thematic area is to support research that securely and fairly uses smartphone and wearable data to improve cardiovascular health.

Tim will discuss the potential of smartphone and wearable data linked to healthcare data in cardiovascular research, the challenges involved, and how the BHF Data Science Centre is addressing these. He will present findings from our recent surveys that identify what researchers believe is the most important smartphone and wearable data to collect and public views on the acceptability of sharing this data.

Join us to hear more about the key findings, lessons learnt and next steps for this exciting project. We really want to hear your thoughts and questions!

The webinar and Q & A session will be chaired by BHF Data Science Centre’s Senior Scientific Programme Manager, Jackie MacArthur.

These webinars are primarily for researchers, but may be of interest to many attendees. People from all backgrounds are equally welcome and we try to use non-technical language wherever possible.