Data & Connectivity NCS, Alan Turing Institute and UKRI Advanced Data Analytics Funding Call

In November 2021 the COVID-19 Data and Connectivity National Core Study, partnered with the Alan Turing Institute and UKRI, to award nine new studies a total of £2m to answer priority research questions that will improve understanding of the pandemic and inform the continued policy response.

Data and Connectivity NCS, Office for National Statistics and UKRI Rapid Funding Call

In December 2021 the Data & Connectivity NCS with the Office for National Statistics and UKRI led a rapid funding call for projects to research to use and enrich the National Core Study data and infrastructure to address priority COVID-19 relevant research to inform COVID-19 policy response.


NIHR/HDR UK Winter Pressures Rapid Funding Call

In December 2022 Health Data Research UK launched a rapid call for 3-month projects, funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), to address prioritised research questions to rapidly inform the policy and operational response to health and care compound winter pressures.